The Choir were pleased to assist with the celebration of Thomas Phillpott and Natalie Taylor’s Wedding on Saturday 23 August at Holy Trinity Church Northampton. As well as supporting the congregation with the hymns the Choir sang three songs whilst the signing...Read More
NMVC has developed into a fine Choir during the past twelve months, however this is the journey that was started in 2013 and we will continue to develop. One of the ways the Choir has improved is to use recorded parts of songs in Tenor, 2nd Tenor, Baritone and Bass....Read More
Sunday 3 August NMVC Annual Lunch at Horton Cricket Club. The Friends & Relatives of the Choir organised the lunch for the choir and partners, the food was excellent venue superb and the weather marvellous. Thanks to all those who helped with...Read More
Sat 2nd August NMVC performed a Concert with the Northampton Concert Band in aid of the British Legion and the Combat Stress, at The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Northampton. The Concert was also to commemorate those who lost their lives in 1914 – 1918 World War. The...Read More