Derngate Concert 2015

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Posted by bass
Asked on November 25, 2014 12:09 pm

I realise progress is being made but Derngate is 6 months away-do we have difinative list of what we will be performing. How many more'new' pieces to learn? Do we have a soloist? What choirs have agreed to join us? Alex Basses

Posted by 1sttenor
Answered On November 26, 2014 7:37 pm

To answer questions first. We are singing American Trilogy, My Lord what a morning, Unchained Melody, What would I do without my music, Morte Criste, You`ll never walk alone, The Rose, Steal away, Go Down Moses, Gwahoddiad, The Mansions of the Lord. These were all chosen by consensus of the Choirs joining us which are Birmingham Icknield, Coventry, The Dalesmen, Huntingdon, Rugby, Vauxhall, Wigston.
We will also be joined by the national Youth Choir of Scotland–Boys Section and the Brass Band, ”Boobs and Brass” A donation is to be made to breast cancer research which is a charitable organisation supported by the band
John Griff of BBC is hosting.
Negotiations with the Derngate have been protracted and hopefully will be concluded in the next few days, after which I am looking to produce a newsletter for the Choir with full details of the Concert and the arrangements and details of where help is needed ie advertising , raffle etc.
In the meantime do not buy tickets which go on sale at the Derngate next week as it will be better for us if the tickets are bought through the Choir. DW

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