Derngate concert

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Posted by baritone
Asked on October 24, 2014 5:14 pm

We were told that Derngate do not have any details about our concert in 2015. We called there to check and were told that there ais no details on their screen. A new program is due to be released in November so surely they should have some info on record. Could someone please check on this. Thank you.mike stockham

Posted by 1sttenor
Answered On October 24, 2014 10:45 pm

If you talk to the right people you will be told that we will be included in the November issue of What`s On and if you wish to see a draft copy it is available. Meetings are taking place with Derngate and in the next month or so full details will be available to members in the form of a news letter, which will include an outline of where help is needed in the organisation of the event. David Walsh

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