Email security

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Posted by baritone
Asked on November 1, 2014 7:42 pm

I have just received email from John hames which seemed very suspect. John said that he did not send it.i have been told that it is safer to send messages via the choir website, is this true ? We must find a safe way of sending messages as apparently our emails are at risk John also knows of other members that have received strange emails from the choir. Your comments please

Posted by baritone
Answered On November 12, 2014 10:35 am

Hi, We have asked a number of people who are far more experienced in these matters and all emails in future will be a blind copy.
Everyone should ensure that there security system is working correctly. Bob G

Posted by baritone
Answered On November 11, 2014 8:08 am

Hi, Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you I have been away and I said that we would deal with this in a similar question.

I have asked a number of people (still waiting for an answer from some) what is the best solution? The answer is to place all messages on the Website as you suggest. The problem is we have section leaders sending emails which are not looked at, making sure that these Members look on the Website for information delays things further.
As soon as I receive a definite answer from the people who know I will write again, however the answer will also be make sure you have a god security system in place. Bob G

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