Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book the choir?

Please get in touch with our Concert Secretary, Vince, via our Contact page here

How do I find the concert dates?

Please go to our Home page here which shows all the currently known dates.

How do I book tickets for concerts?

Ticket booking details vary, but will be included within the concert details we include in the listings, both on the homepage here, and on the NMVC Facebook Page

Who do I contact to join The Choir?

Please get in touch with our Choir Secretary, Marc, via the Contact page here

What is the process of joining the choir?

There is an initial assessment of your voice to determine which section you will join 1st Tenor, 2nd Tenor, Baritone or Bass. When on board you will join as a probationer which allows you to attend rehearsals to join the process of learning new songs and to get the ‘feel’ of things.

You can elect, or be nominated, to have a ‘voice check’ with the MD at anytime within the first 6 months. This voice check, which will generally take place before a rehearsal, confirms suitability and also entry into the choir. On passing the voice check and joining the choir you will be encouraged to sing in concerts for up to a year with a music folder to help you acquire the material without pressure. After 12 months you will be expected to sing without a music folder.

What does it cost to become a Choir Member?

After the Probation period the annual subs are £15 per month, this can be paid in two parts of £90 in Jan & July, or by a monthly Standing Order.

You will also be expected to contribute to the uniform cost, this will be fully explained on initial contact, again this can be spread over a period to suit you.

Do I need to read music?

It is not necessary to read music, but it helps. All the songs sung are learnt at rehearsals, with accompanying sheet music and practice tracks also provided to assist.

Where do you rehearse?

We meet every Tuesday at Kingsley Park Methodist Church, Kettering Road, Northampton NN2 7HG 7pm until 9pm.

You are most welcome to visit us any Tuesday to listen, meet and discuss.

Are Choristers expected to attend every concert?

We perform at approximately 30 concerts a year. Although we appreciate that no one can be available for all concerts, choristers are expected to attend a reasonable number of these, as well as prioritising Concerts or Events highlighted as ‘High Priority’.

I would like to sponsor the Choir

Please contact our Choir Secretary, Marc, via the Contact page here

How do I purchase CDs or DVDs

Please contact your Choir Secretary, Marc, via the Contact page here